My complete royalty free music pack +
1 Full YouTube channel copyright whitelisting!
Still purchasing individual royalty free music licenses on Audiojungle? Or downloading from Envato Elements? STOP! It's time for an upgrade!
Now, you can access my entire BEST SELLING Audiojungle portfolio in one comprehensive, royalty-free music pack—at a fraction of the cost. Plus, every purchase includes full ADREV copyright claim whitelisting for one YouTube channel, so you can enjoy unlimited, claim-free usage on your content. Say goodbye to copyright hassles, once and for all, with lifetime coverage!
How does it work? Simply purchase the music pack here and provide your YouTube Channel ID at checkout. Once your purchase is complete, you'll immediately receive a download link for all the files in a convenient .ZIP format. We'll then manually AdRev whitelist your channel within 12 to 24 hours. That’s it—no more new copyright claims, and any existing claims will be cleared!

127 tracks in one epic download!
PLUS all newly added music to my Audiojungle Portfolio!
30.000+ individual licenses sold!
Don't take our word for it! We have many happy clients!
AdRev Whitelist now included
No more copyright claims + existing claims will be cleared!
Full Royalty Free License Included
Pay once and use forever commercial license included!

Hi there, nice to meet you! My name is Martijn de Bont, and I’m the proud creator of The Complete Royalty Free Music Collection. For those unfamiliar with my work, I’ve been a top-selling composer on Envato Audiojungle for 10+ years, with over 30,000 sales!
In addition to my extensive Royalty free music portfolio, I’ve composed exclusive original music for leading trailer music labels. My work has been featured by top brands and studios, including Marvel, Disney, Breitling, Rob Zombie, McLaren Automotive, AMD, Nike, and BMW, just to name a few!
Royalty free music for film, videogames and advertising campaigns (music for TV broadcasting, film trailers, videogame music, advertising background music, music for YouTube).
One Final Royalty Free Music Offer!
Now Introducing “The Complete Royalty Free Music Collection” music bundle, featuring ALL of my best selling Audiojungle music tracks!
This unique music pack includes 127 epic trailer tracks, captivating teaser tracks, impactful intro idents, as well as full-length Hollywood blockbuster-style trailer cues and background audio files. Individually licensing these items on my best selling Audiojungle shop would cost you over $2500!
Includes ADREV copyright claim whitelisting for one YouTube channel!
• 127 royalty free music tracks, 78 extra versions and edits
• Total runtime of over 3 hour, 2.65 GB instant download
• Full Commercial, Royalty free license certificate included
• Instant download after purchase, protected payments via Stripe.
So what's included? Good Question!
Whether you’re an emerging independent YouTube content creator or a seasoned professional studio, this pack is designed to cater to your needs. With an ample supply of musical content, this package offers the potential to soundtrack a full movie or 2! All this is available at the cost of just a handful of individually licensed tracks, making this pack the ultimate solution for a wide range of YouTube creators.
The best part? With the launch of AdRev's, I now have full control over all AdRev copyright notices and claims! This means I can offer a seamless, hassle-free licensing experience—your YouTube channel will be manually whitelisted for my music within 24 hours after your purchase.
When your YouTube channel is whitelisted, it’s shielded from all AdRev copyright claims on the licensed music! This means you can now use all my tracks without any interruptions, restrictions, or worries about revenue sharing or takedowns. Enjoy hassle-free music use—guaranteed, or your money back! 😊
Royalty Free Music license and AdRev Whitelisting
This pack includes a single use / unlimited use for 1 YouTube channel, ongoing, non- exclusive, commercial, worldwide royalty free music license. In short, this means that each item from this downloadable music pack may be used once in a commercial end product (broadcast excluded), like a video game or a product / movie (trailer). For Youtube however, this is a one-channel blanket license and all included items can be used without restrictions!
Instantly add 3 hours of royalty free music to your YouTube channel—hassle-free and ready to use!
The best part is, you will never get a Adrev copyright claim when using this music again! By whitelisting your channel we basically tell AdRev that you are allowed to use all of my music on your Youtube channel and have a valid license for unlimited use. If you upload a video with my music in it, it will be instantly cleared by Adrev. No more delays, no more lost revenue. Any previous, open, pending claims will be instantly cleared within 24 hours.
Royalty Free simply means that this music is licensed free of royalties without ongoing, recurring royalty or license payments; pay once, use forever!
Allowed Uses (What You Can Do):
For 1 Youtube Channel: Anything other than Youtube: • Use each music item in one application, project, or end product.
• Unlimited use on one (1) Youtube channel!
• Claim-free use guaranteed! Your channel will be AdRev whitelisted for this music within 24 hours, and any existing claims will be cleared immediately!
• Incorporate the music into any audio-visual or audio-only work.
• Direct playback, such as background music for an event or venue.
• Create one End Product per track for a client.
• Modify or manipulate the music to suit your End Product.
Limitations (What You Can’t Do):
• Do not redistribute the music as a standalone item. No re-selling allowed.
• T.V. or radio broadcasting is not allowed. No exceptions.
• Theatrical release of films using the music is prohibited.
• You cannot claim trademark or service mark rights over this music.
• No use for unlawful purposes, obscene or demeaning material.
AdRev whitelisting info:
Simply purchase the music pack here and provide your YouTube Channel ID when prompted during checkout. Once your purchase is complete, you'll immediately receive a download link for all the files in a convenient .ZIP format. We'll then manually whitelist your channel within 12 to 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a license? Why not just rip the music from YouTube?
Sure, you could rip the music, and I won’t lose sleep over it if it’s strictly for personal, non-monetized use. But if you’re using it for any project that generates income or reaches a wider audience, buying a license is essential. It gives you the legal right to use the music in your videos, films, presentations, and more—without worrying about copyright violations. Plus, the license protects you from potential issues on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, ensuring your content remains hassle-free!
Can I use this music on YouTube? Will I receive "matched third party content" copyright notices??
Absolutely, and no, you won’t get any claims! Your YouTube channel will be AdRev whitelisted within 24 hours after your purchase is complete. This means you can use all tracks in this pack, 127 items as described here, without limits on one YouTube channel without anoying copyright claims. If not, we’ll give you a full refund—guaranteed and no questions asked!
If I make a clip for YouTube using this music, can I monetize the clip by allowing ads?
Yes, you are allowed to do that and you won't get any AdRev interference once your channel is whitelisted.
What if you upload new music to Audiojungle? Will it be included in this pack download?
Unfortunately, I won’t be uploading any new tracks to AudioJungle going forward. This marks the end of my journey in the stock music industry, and that's why I’m calling this my final offer! After years of creating music for stock platforms, I’ve decided to retire from this space. While I may still compose new material down the line, it will be targeted exclusively at industry professionals and tailored for larger, more specialized projects. I want to thank everyone who has supported me, and I hope my music continues to inspire your creativity!
Is all of your music registered with AdRev Content ID? And why is that?
Most of it is, i'd say about 90%. I’ve always seen it as a bit of a necessary evil. Yes, it can be frustrating for customers—there’s the hassle, delays, potential loss of revenue, and slow support at times. But protecting my music is essential. Without it, others claim my tracks as their own, which has happened more times than I can count. People regisitered my music as their own, claimed the ad revenue, and left me to clean up the mess with unhappy customers for years...
Thankfully, things are changing. With Licensease by Fuga, I now have full control over my own content at the push of a button. No more waiting on support or dealing with endless emails. I can whitelist your YouTube channel instantly and offer a smooth, hassle-free experience!
I'm interested in using one of these items for public broadcast. What's the process?
Broadcast use licensing for television, radio, theaters, and cinema is still managed on a per-track base at AudioJungle and comes in four tiers based on audience size. Simply search for the track you want, then select the appropriate license type from the dropdown menu in the top right. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need any help with this matter!
I only need 1 or 2 of these tracks. Can I purchase them seperatly?
Sure! All individual tracks are still available for licensing at AudioJungle or Elements for subscription based licensing.
Get in touch with me!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about me, this offer, (the use of) my music or any AdRev related issues like copyright claims on your YouTube channel. I'm here to help and try to answer the same day!
If you have any Audiojungle related questions or issues, please always include your license certificate (copy / paste is fine). I can not help you without a license. If you have any copyright or AdRev related issues, always include a link to the related video(s)!